marți, 5 august 2008

Bega Day

Am vrea sa multumim (e drept cu o oarecare intarziere) tuturor celor care au participat la Bega Day pe data de 5 iunie. In ciuda ploii, evenimentul a reusit sa reuneasca oameni diferiti dispusi sa contribuie la reabilitarea Canalului Bega. Participantii au avut un rol emblematic, in fond, devreme ce au contribuit la constientizarea importantei apei in oras, dar si a responsabilitatii pe care o au cetatenii in conservarea acestui bun.

Rezultatele workshop-urilor de urbanism au fost extrem de interesante. Nu numai munca tehnica, dar si prezentarea conceptelor au impresionat participantii la eveniment, vizitatorii straini si personalitatile oficiale de la Primaria Timisoara si de la diferitele Universitati. Cu tineri asa talentati, viitorul planificarii de arhitectura si urbanism pare promitator.

In final ultimul cuvant despre Bega Day, il avem de la unul dintre organizatori: "Ma plimb pe malul Begai, privind apusul de soare, gandindu-ma la ziua care a trecut. In fiecare loc exista ceva care imi aminteste de oamenii minunati care au participat la eveniment: copacul unde tiroliana a fost "aruncata" peste Bega, locul unde studentii de la facultatea de chimie au facut demonstratii pentru toti trecatorii, treptele unde o echipa de la Arhitectura a muncit toata ziua. Vad o sticla din plastic langa trotuar; de obice as lasa-o acolo, dar azi, de Ziua Mondiala a Mediului, iau sticla si o arunc in cosul de gunoi. Ma intorc inapoi la Bega, jucandu-mi rolul la imbunatatirea canalului. Ma gandesc cum sa prezervam atmosfera incredibila pe care am vazut-o aici. Ma gandesc la viitoarele evenimentele care sa continue munca inceputa azi. Ma gandesc cat de norocoasa este Timisoara sa aiba un grup de oameni carora le pasa de viitorul orasului. Si ma gandesc ca, pana la urma, vom reusi sa ne atingem scopul, pentru ca, la Timisoara, fiecare zi este Bega Day.

We here at the Bega Blog would like to extend our belated thanks to all those who came out and participated in Bega Day on June 5. Despite the threat of rain, the event succeeded in bringing together a diverse range of people who are interested in working to improve the Bega Canal for the citizens of Timisoara. Everybody who participated in the event helped to raise awareness of both the importance of the Bega to Timisoara and the responsibility of Timisoara's citizens to preserve and plan for the future of this resource.

The results of the planning and design workshops were particularly impressive. Not only the technical work, but the presentation of the concepts impressed the event participants, foreign visitors, as well as officials from the Timisoara City Hall and the universities. With young people like this, the future of planning and design in Timisoara looks bright.

For the final word on Bega Day, let us hear from one of the organizers of the event in their own words: "I walk along the Bega as the sun goes down, thinking about the day that has just passed by. At every point along my walk is a reminder of those wonderful people who participated in the day's events: the tree where the climbing line was attached to span the Bega, the spot where chemistry students did demonstrations for all passers-by, some steps where one of the design teams did their day's work. I see a plastic bottle by the side of the path; ordinarily I might let the bottle stay there, but on World Environment Day, I decide to pick the bottle up and throw it in the trash can. As I turn back towards the Bega, having done my small part to improve the canal, I think about how to preserve the great spirit that we have seen here today. I think about the future events that we will do to continue the work we have started. I think about how lucky Timisoara is to have a group of people who care so much about its future. And I think that, sooner or later, our work will be successful, because in Timisoara, every day is Bega Day."